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* The Journal adheres to the guidelines and best practices published by professional organizations, including Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, WAME, and OASPA; https://doaj.org/bestpractice).

1. Content

The Journal publishes articles, book reviews, and other scholarly works related to Korean history.

2. Submissions

  1. Manuscripts cannot have been previously published in any other journal.
  2. Submissions must be at the master's level or above in fields related to Korean history to be eligible for consideration.
  3. Article manuscripts, including references, abstract, and keywords should not exceed 8,000 words. Submissions must include an abstract of 150 words at the beginning of the document.
  4. Manuscripts must be submitted in fluent English and must not require further corrections. Manuscripts submitted in any other language must receive prior approval from the Editors and be translated into English by an approved translator at the author's cost. See below for more information.
  5. Manuscripts should be submitted an electronic copy. Electronic text should use MS Word-compatible software, also include a PDF file if using non-standard characters.
  6. Contributors must submit the full text of their manuscripts according to the regulations prescribed above before the deadline announced by the editorial board.
  7. The title page should contain the title of the article, the author's name, affiliation, and position.

3. Manuscript style regulations

  1. The text and footnotes of manuscripts must be double-spaced and use the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition).
  2. Please use the McCune-Reischauer system as the primary system to Romanize Korean-language names and terms.
  3. For terms that are commonly known by their non-standard Romanization, provide the McCune-Reischauer Romanization in parentheses following the first appearance.
  4. In the case of proper names and other proper nouns, use McCune-Reischauer Romanization except for cases where an individual or entity is widely known by a personally idiosyncratic Romanization. In those cases, give the McCune-Reischauer Romanization in parentheses following the first appearance.

4. Publication

  1. The International Journal of Korean History (pISSN 1598-2041, eISSN 2508-5921) is published biannually (on June 30 and December 31 of each year, starting from the December 2024 (29-3) issue) by the Center for Korean History, Korea University.
  2. The submission date, the completion date of review, and the accepted date will be written in the published article.
  3. All selected papers will be subject to the copyright of the Center for Korean History.

5. Editorial board

  1. The editorial board oversees various details regarding the planning, screening, editing, and publication of the journal.
  2. The editorial board is comprised of professors in the department of Korean History at Korea University, professors of related fields in Korea, and professors in subjects related to Korean history abroad.

6. Screening

  1. Submitted manuscripts are determined for publication by the screening committee which consists of three specialists in the fields related to the submission.
  2. The screening committee will be commissioned by the editorial board.
  3. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
  4. Screening evaluation will be issued as either "publishable", "publishable after revision," "reexamination after revision," or "unpublishable."
  5. In the case of disagreement over an evaluation among screening committee members, manuscripts will undergo a process of separate reexamination according to the decision of the editorial board.
  6. The editorial board will notify manuscript contributors of screening decisions.
  7. Contributors whose manuscripts are selected for publication must comply with any editorial requests made by the screening committee.

7. Article-processing charge

There is no author's submission fee or article processing charge since the publication cost is supported by the publisher.

8. Submissions in English

  1. The IJKH will no longer provide translating services and all manuscripts must be submitted in good academic English.
  2. Authors interested in translating their manuscripts into English must use a translator pre-approved by the Editors.
  3. Manuscripts requiring extensive revisions will be sent to a professional editor and the author must bear the cost of editing services.

9. Archiving Policy

Archiving policy for electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event a journal is no longer published is as follows: All full text content of International Journal of Korean History in PDF format or in JATS XML format is being and shall be deposited to institutional repository maintained by the Korea Research Foundation, Republic of Korea, entitled Korea Citation Index (KCI) available at https://www.kci.go.kr/, which has been listed in Directory of Open Access Repositories (http://www.opendoar.org/countrylist.php?cContinent=Asia#Korea) and to ScienceCentral maintained by the Korea Federation of Science and Technology Societies supported by the Korean Government available at https://www.e-sciencecentral.org/.

10. Book Reviews and English Submissions

The Journal does not provide any honorarium for book reviews or submissions written in English.

11. Submission Guidelines for Book Reviews and History in Cinema Reviews

  1. Book and Film reviews should be approximately 2,000 to 4,000 words in length.
  2. Book reviews should at least include the following: a summary of the content, an accounting of the strengths and weaknesses of the text, and finally, an overall critical evaluation.
  3. Reviews should follow formatting and Romanization guidelines for article submissions.

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Center for Korean History, Korea University
Address: B101, Korean Studies Hall(Institute of Korean Culture), Korea University
145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-2-3290-2569, 5321    FAX: +82-2-3290-1665   E-mail: ijkhinfo@gmail.com
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